Reconstruction & peace
A massive earthquake occurred off the Sanriku coast with a magnitude of 9.0 at around 14:46 on March 11, 2011, killing 1,064 people, displacing up to 10,516 people, and damaging 4,704 houses and 1,382 offices, all the worst ever disasters in Japanese history.In the examination of this earthquake and tsunami, Kamaishi established the counter-disaster citizens’ charter based on the four lessons to “prepare,” “escape,” “never return,” and “pass on.” Simultaneously, focusing on the newly established “Unosumai Tomos,” citizens tell you about the details of the earthquake and the progress of reconstruction.

Disaster Prevention Citizen’s Charter Monument built at Unosumai Tomos
The city experienced lethal naval gunfire twice at the end of the Pacific War. Seven hundred civilians died in the strafings. The tourist guide society holds peace studies at the Kamasaki Battery remains in Kamaishi Daikannon and at the Peace Kannon Statue in Yakushi Park.
Tourist guide at Kamaishi Daikanon